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St Mary’s Primary School Inglewood are seeking a passionate educator to fulfil the position of ‘Specialist Teacher’ The successful applicant will have the wonderful experience of joining an amazing small school community and dedicated teaching team. The Specialist Teacher will take on the role of Performance Arts (Music/Dance/Drama), Visual Arts (Visual Art/Media Arts) and classroom release specialist. - PLEASE NOTE: NEW CLOSING DATE MONDAY 24th OCTOBER 2022

  pdf Specialist Teacher Advertisement (410 KB)

  pdf Specialist Teacher Role Description & Selection Criteria (237 KB)

  pdf Pre-Employment Disclosure Questionnaire (183 KB)

  pdf Statement of Principles regarding Catholic Education (93 KB)


If you would like to be considered for CRT work, please send your resume and completed pre-employment disclosure questionnaire to Kim Carter at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

   pdf Pre-Employment Disclosure Questionnaire (242 KB)

   pdf Classroom Teacher Role Description (116 KB)

pdf (66 KB) pdf    (66 KB) pdf Statement of Principles regarding Catholic Education (93 KB) pdf (66 KB)